Wednesday, July 6, 2016

EA872 Weekly Blog Entry 8

Road map: A tool depicting the steps to close the gap between the current and future state.

We are more than halfway into EA872 summer course. So far we’ve navigated the Common Requirements Vision document which assists in understanding the business context, strategies, environmental factors, and the implications to the enterprise architecture initiative. We have mapped out the future state architecture, current state architecture and performed gap analysis to understand the initiatives needed for the enterprise to reach the future state.

The focus for our class readings this week is on migration plans to map out the steps needed to evolve the enterprise from the current state to the future state.  An EA Road map is an excellent tool for communicating the steps needed to close the gap between the current and future state. Weiss and Robertson (2006) provide several road map examples in the Gartner article Enterprise Architecture Road Maps: Closing the Gap to the Future State. A very informative article I thoroughly enjoyed reading.


Weiss & Robertson (2006, September).  Enterprise architecture road maps: Closing the gap to the future state. Gartner id: G00140082

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    I really enjoy and like your article. I think article talk about how company bridge gap from current to future state and give road map how do that task.
